Vitamin K1

K1 – the underestimated vitamin

Platinum dry dog food is the only dog food which contains the natural and valuable vitamin K1.

Vitamin K describes a group of liposoluble substances and can be divided into three groups:

  • Vitamin K1 which is produced by plants occurs mainly in green vegetables. Vitamin K1 is absolutely harmless, even in high doses.
  • Vitamin K2 which is produced by bacteria in the intestine. Dogs with diseases are not able to generate it themselves.
  • Vitamin K3 which itself has no vitamin property, but is a synthetically manufactured water soluble kind of vitamin K that has to be actively metabolized by the organism of the dog.

Contrary to the other compounds, vitamin K3 has undesirable side effects. Therefor in Germany it is not permitted anymore to use vitamin K3 in foodstuff and human medicine. Vitamin K3 is not able to fulfill all functions of vitamin K1.

But why is vitamin K1 so important?

It is essential for the production of several proteins and takes part in the synthesis of various blood coagulation factors in the liver – without vitamin K1 the risk of hemorrhages increases extremely. Furthermore it plays a decisive role for the development and maintenance of bones and teeth as it is necessary for building bone-protein and for calcium metabolism. Beside this it is the most important basic substance for the generation of vitamin K2.

Vitamin K1 deficiency – What does that mean?

For a liposoluble vitamin a deficiency is reached quite easily, because the storage capacity is not very high. It appears at gastro-intestinal-diseases or weakness (for examples the intake of antibiotics). This harms the liver and causes disruptions of blood coagulation, the healing of wounds and the mineralization of the bones. For the dog that means that obstructions of metabolic processes and damages of the internal organs can occur if important proteins cannot be generated as a result of a vitamin K1 deficiency. The immune system will be enfeebled.

Why can vitamin K1 only be added in PLATINUM dog food?

The reason is quite easy: due to the manufacturing process of the conventional extruded kibble with high temperatures and high pressures it is impossible to add the natural vitamin K1. It would be destroyed and not be usable for the dog. For this reason manufacturers of conventional extruded kibbles are forced to take the synthetic alternative – vitamin K3.

PLATINUM goes its own way

Cold pressed oils, herbs and vitamins are added after the food is cooled down to room temperature, this ensures that all essential elements remain in their natural structure – and can be used in an optimum way - your dog will be thankful in having more vitality and health.


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